
Showing posts from May, 2017

Luxury Hotels – What Actually Make Them Luxury?

Today, the word “luxury” is the most overly-used term. Everything has got its luxury components nowadays. Even coffee blends and detergents are not left aside. The adjective luxury also defines hotels. So, while looking for hotels in Sonamarg , you would certainly want to get that luxury feel. However, in view of demanding, experienced luxury travelers, luxury hotel means something specific. Amidst everything else, a question still persists – who decides whether a hotel or resort is luxury or not? The hospitality industry generally trusts star ratings designated by some critically-minded organizations. But, there are no set standards for a luxury hotel. In general, it is noted that both four and five star hotels describe themselves as luxury and claim a little higher price. Hotel guests who have to spend extra for the sake of luxury have the right to expect certain standards in rooms, services, dining and everything else. It depends mostly on personal choice, but a gene...